7 Most profitable blog niches and how to choose the right one 

two person browsing on a laptop

Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links, which means if you click on some links, we may earn a commission and no additional cost to you.

When I started blogging, I wrote about whatever inspired me, including starting a business, the impacts of digital piracy, and how our actions contributed to climate change.

I even blog about someone who shared his experience with me on how he almost lost his life to drug trafficking and how he overcame those challenges.

But is there something wrong with blogging about the things that inspire you, and without having a niche? Not at all.  

Blogging is primarily created to express our thoughts and share our experiences with everyone. 

However, if you want to make money blogging, choosing a profitable niche is important to have a successful blog as a side income, or potentially become a full-time blogger like Michelle Schroeder-Gardner who earns 7 figures a year.

When I started blogging, I had no idea about blogging niches too. I just blog about whatever topic that inspires me.

But the problem came when I tried monetizing my blogs. And it was challenging because the blog site doesn’t have a niche.

Plus I didn’t know much about SEO (search engine optimization) at the time, which is also an important factor in having a successful blog. 

Because most of your readers will find you searching on Google, having an optimized blog site for search engines is highly important.

So if you are passionate about sharing what you know and making money at the same time, then consider starting a blog and learn how bloggers make money online.    

But before you start blogging and making money, let me share with you what blogging niches are, which ones are the most profitable, and how to choose the right one for you.

What is a blog niche?

A blog niche is a specialized topic that you will be focusing on. 

Like what I’ve said in my starting a blog post, a blog niche is something like this:

“Bigger than basketball shooting form but smaller than sports”.

And an example topic around sports is Basketball training for youth athletes, which talks about skills development, physical conditioning, mental preparation, injury prevention, recovery, and nutrition.

Here at FautlyBlogger, our blogging niche is making money online through blogging, which focuses on blog writing tips, how to increase your blog site’s visitors through SEO and other effective marketing strategies, and how to make money blogging.

Choosing the right niche is very important especially if you want to make money blogging. 

Some niches are highly profitable and some are not. And some make money faster while others take longer.

What to look for in a profitable blog niche

When choosing a profitable niche, there are things that you need to consider such as topic demand, your passion, and monetization potential.

High demand

When choosing a niche, make sure that it is steady, growing, or has high demand. 

You can use Google Trends or simply use Google Search about your topic to see if there’s a high demand for your niche.

If you search your topic on Google Search and it provides lots of relevant results, this means that your topic is in high demand because other bloggers are writing for that content also. 


Blogging won’t work well for you if you only start because you want to earn money. 

Your passion plays a crucial role in the success of your blogs because you will be blogging for a very very long time before your blog starts to make money.

I started blogging at FaultyBlogger just this April of 2024, and I have set a realistic expectation that I could start making money a year after.  

So right now, even though I’m not making money on my blogs yet, it didn’t bother me because I love to share what I have learned with other people. And seeing them succeed in blogging makes a winner already.

So make sure that you choose a topic that you enjoy and are passionate about.

Monetization potential

When you start a blog to make money, you just don’t become a blogger, you also become a business owner.

Because if you make money blogging, then blogging becomes a business.

Think of it like a mini version of Facebook. 

Most bloggers’ earnings come from advertisers, the same as Facebook does. 

So you need to start thinking more like an entrepreneur and not just a blogger.

And to check for your topic’s monetization potential, make sure you can monetize it in different ways.

Ask these questions: 

Do companies in your industry offer affiliate programs? 

If yes, then that’s great because you can easily include affiliate links throughout your blog post.

Affiliate programs simply work like this.

When you promote a company’s product or services through your unique link (also known as an affiliate link), and your site visitor makes a purchase using your link, the company pays you with a commission.

You can simply search on Google for a company that is well known in your industry and if they offer an affiliate program.

So for example in the travel industry, Trivago has an affiliate program for those who wish to promote their merchant partners like airlines and hotels. 

How much are advertisers willing to pay for the exposure they get on your blogs?

One popular ad network is Google AdSense. You can check earning potential by using the Google AdSense Calculator.

AdSense pays you based on your industry and how much traffic your blog site gets every month.

And lastly, 

Are people spending money on your industry?

Blogs don’t just make money by promoting other people’s products alone. 

You can also make a lot of money by indirect income streams from your blogs such as selling your own products, selling courses, and offering consulting services.

Now let’s explore the most profitable niches for your blog.

7 most profitable blog niches

Here’s our list of the most profitable blog niches. However, these niches are highly competitive for new bloggers to jump in, so I have listed out sub-niches that you may consider trying to increase your chances of ranking well on Google.

1. Personal Finance

Personal finance will always be one of the most profitable blog niches because financial companies invest heavily in marketing, which you can monetize very well.

Subniche ideas

  • Saving
  • Budgeting
  • Investing
  • Debt management

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You may promote financial products such as credit cards, savings accounts, and investment platforms through affiliate links.
  • Sponsored content – You can partner with financial institutions and brands and write a sponsored blog post.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs.
  • Consulting services – You can offer financial planning services to your readers looking for one-on-one advice. 

Example blog topic ideas

  • 10 Ways to save money each month
  • Beginner’s guide to investing in stocks
  • How to create a budget and stick with it
  • Strategies for paying off debt faster

Target audience

An example target audience for personal finance is young professionals looking to manage their finances effectively.

And an example blogger with success in this niche is Michelle Schroeder-Gardner,  who is the founder of the Making Sense of Cents blog

Michelle started blogging just to document her journey towards financial freedom. But in the process, her blog earns over $5,000,000. Michelle even bought a sailboat where she and her family live and blogging full-time.

Example of a personal finance blog – makingsenseofcents

2. Health and Fitness

Even after the pandemic is over, people seem to like to continue to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which is why this topic is growing.

Subniche ideas

  • Eating healthy for busy professionals
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Recovery and injury prevention for youth athletes

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote fitness equipment,  health supplements, and workout programs. You may consider joining Amazon Affiliates to promote a wide range of products related to health and fitness.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with fitness brands and gyms to write a sponsored blog post.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs.
  • Sell digital products – You can sell workout plans, meal plans, and fitness courses.

Example of blog topic ideas

  • Top 10 nutritional tips for weight loss
  • Home workout ideas for busy schedules 
  • How to stay motivated on your fitness journey

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is individuals new to fitness looking for guidance on starting their health journey. 

Or you could even tailor your content for fitness enthusiasts seeking advanced workout techniques.

Check out these 12 successful fitness blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of a health and fitness blog – LOVE SWEAT FITNESS

3. Food and recipes

Food and recipes are one of the most profitable blog niches because people are always looking for new ways to prepare and consume food.

Subniche ideas

  • Vegan and plant-based cooking
  • Grilling and BBQ
  • Cooking for athletes

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote kitchenware products and delivery grocery delivery services. You may consider joining Amazon Affiliates to promote a wide range of products related to this niche.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with food brands restaurants, and cooking appliance companies to write a sponsored blog post.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs using ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Sell digital products – You can sell ebooks, meal plans, and cooking courses.

Example blog topic ideas

  • Vegan and gluten-free dessert ideas
  • The ultimate guide to baking bread at home
  • How to meal prep for a week

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is home cooks looking for new and exciting recipes to try.

Or you could even tailor your content for specific dietary needs like vegan.

Check out these 10 successful food and recipe blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of food and recipes blog – Minimalist Baker

4. Personal development and self-care

Personal development and self-care have become a popular trend in recent years. And it appeals to the audience seeking advice, tips, inspiration, and practical tips for improving various aspects of their lives. 

Subniche ideas

  • Wellness
  • Self-improvement
  • Productivity
  • Mental health

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote wellness apps and self-help books.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with brands offering personal development products or services to write a sponsored blog post.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs using ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Sell digital products – You can sell ebooks, online courses, coaching sessions, and printable planners.

Example blog topic ideas

  • 7 Tips for achieving work-life balance
  • Strategies for overcoming procrastination
  • How to build healthy habits and break bad ones

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is individuals looking to improve their productivity and time management skills. 

Check out these 16 successful personal development and self-care blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of self-improvement blog – James Clear

5. Technology and gadgets

With the rapid advancement of technology, this topic won’t be slowing down anytime soon.

Subniche ideas

  • Wearable technology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Tech for productivity

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote gadgets and software through affiliate links.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with tech brands to review their products or services.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs using ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Consulting services – You can offer tech consulting and troubleshooting services.

Example blog topic ideas

  • The impacts of AI on everyday life
  • Best Laptop for gaming and productivity
  • How to speed up your slow computer 

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is general consumers looking for advice on purchasing and using tech products

Check out these 20 successful technology and gadgets blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of a tech blog – MacRumors

6. Travel

Blogging your travel experiences is not just fun, but could make you a lot of money.

Travel is one of the most profitable niches out there. And companies in these industries mostly have an affiliate program you can promote. 

Subniche ideas

  • Budget travel
  • Solo travel
  • Cultural travel

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote travel gear, booking services, and travel insurance through affiliate links.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with hotels, airlines, and restaurants to review their products or services.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs using ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Digital products – You can sell packing guides, ebooks, and travel itineraries. 

Example blog topic ideas 

  • Top Hidden Gems Southeast Asia
  • Best budget destinations for solo travelers
  • Navigating airports and flights like a pro
  • Experiencing local cuisines around the world

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is budget travelers seeking tips and affordable destination ideas.

Or you could even target families looking for family-friendly destinations.

Check out these 16 successful travel blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of a travel blog – Travels With Elle

7. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an ever-growing topic because business owners want their business to be online to reach a wider audience.

Subniche ideas

  • Social Media Marketing
  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Paid advertising

Monetization potential

  • Affiliate marketing – You can promote marketing tools and software through affiliate links.
  • Sponsored content – You can collaborate with marketing platforms and agencies to review their products or services.
  • Ad revenue – You can generate income from placing ads on your blogs using ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Digital products – You can sell ebooks, online courses, and marketing templates.
  • Consulting services – You can offer digital marketing services to businesses. 

Example blog topic ideas

  • Essential SEO: Beginner’s guide for new bloggers
  • Facebook Ads: A complete guide for beginners
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for B2B Marketing

Target audience

An example target audience for this niche is small business owners looking to improve their online presence.

Or you could even target marketing professionals seeking to stay updated on industry trends.

Check out these 13 successful digital marketing blogs to get ideas and inspiration.

Example of a digital marketing blog – HubSpot


Below are the frequently asked questions on how to choose a profitable blog niche.

What if my niche is not on the list, will I still make money blogging?

Absolutely! Even though your blog niche has limited monetization potential like no affiliate programs to partner with, you may still be able to monetize it with Google AdSense.

Plus, you can also consider monetizing your blog by accepting donations or tips. 

This strategy is one of the most popular ways content creators make money online.

Your loyal following will always find a way to support your content so you can continue making great content for them. 

And accepting donations or tips is a great way to make money blogging if it’s harder for you to monetize with affiliate links or other monetization strategies.

Here at FaultyBlogger, I’ve started accepting tips through Buy me a coffee.

So if you want to support the success of this blog site, then consider leaving a tip, which you can click on the link above or find a button below this post 🙂 

Can I cover multiple niches on my blog?

Covering multiple niches is possible, but you will have trouble retaining a loyal following. 

Unlike having a topic that only focuses on a more narrow niche, your readers will remember you as a go-to for this topic, and will eventually be recognized as an expert that they can trust. 

What are the best ways to make money blogging?

The best ways to make money blogging are from affiliate links, Google AdSense, and offering freelance writing services. 

But there are a lot of ways to monetize your blogs, not just what I’ve mentioned. So check out my how to make money blogging post to learn more. 

Final thoughts

With so many profitable blogging topics to choose from, choosing the right niche seems to be overwhelming and may cause you to get stuck in the process.

Keep in mind that there’s more to do in blogging to make it successful than just choosing a niche. 

You need to create a blogging website, plan a content strategy,  write useful content, and learn SEO so people will easily discover your blog. 

Of course, choosing the right niche has a great impact on your blogging success. And having the right one will make you money and enjoy writing in the process.

So to help you decide, carefully consider each topic for its demand, and monetization potential, and make sure you are passionate about it.

Which profitable blog niche do you think is not on our list? Let us know in the comments below.

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Featured image credit: Armin Rimoldi

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